Showcase 2023
Learn – Partner – Innovate

23 – 24 May 2023
Clinical Excellence Queensland proudly presented the Clinical Excellence Showcase 2023 at the Royal International Convention Centre, Brisbane, on Tuesday 23 and Wednesday 24 May.
Across the two jam-packed days, 40 projects were presented from across the state, focusing on the themes maximising potential, leveraging technology, healthcare improvement, improving access to care, and caring for our most vulnerable.
We were thrilled to welcome 700-plus delegates in person across the two days and more than 2,000 guests online.
The first day highlighted just how important it is to Learn – Partner – Innovate (this year’s Showcase theme) whenever we can.
Dr Helen Brown, Deputy Director-General Clinical Excellence Queensland, echoed this sentiment during her opening address when she said it’s an exciting time to be working in healthcare and she looks forward to hearing the range of presentations on offer over the two days.
Dr Ben Bravery—a zoologist and patient turned doctor—then gave his keynote speech about his healthcare experience as 28-year-old diagnosed with stage 3 colorectal cancer.
“The system forgot I was a person. I was just a ‘problem’,” Dr Bravery said.
Dr Bravery has always been a big believer in building personal relationships with patients rather than only talking to them about their condition, but his other ‘call(s) to action’ for improving healthcare delivery lie in:
- Creative education and training
- Cultivating the patient voice
- Celebrating our shared humanity
- Credit for the skills that matter
- Compassion
- Collapsing power structures.
The second day kicked off with Where are they now? where delegates heard from previous Showcase presenters and how their projects have evolved since.
- Dragon Medical One—a voice-to-text application used in the emergency department—has seen a significant uptake in licences (from 29 to 416) since presenting at Showcase 2022. Dr Pieter Nel spoke about new functionality and how PowerPlan order time has been reduced from minutes to seconds.
- Working Together to Connect Care received funding in 2022 to recommence the robust social-oriented community-based care they started in 2016. The Working Together to Connect Care team first presented at Showcase 2019.
Dr Helen Brown, Deputy Director-General Clinical Excellence Queensland, was fill in chair for the afternoon’s Great Debate where this year’s participants argued whether or not Australia is the best place for clinicians to live and work.
Despite Associate Professor Cath McDougall, Chief Medical Officer, for the negative team arguing “It’s not the best place. It’s the greatest,” the affirmative team received the most votes.
If you were unable to attend or dial in, don’t worry – all Showcase 2023 presentations will be released as episodes in the next instalment of the Clinical Excellence Showcase podcast series.
Be sure to like us on Facebook so you don’t miss out on the episodes as they drop. You’ll also find out about future Showcase events so don’t forget to hit the ‘Like’ button!
Clinical Excellence Queensland would like to thank all of the presenters for sharing their projects and journeys with us and for the delegates – both in person and online – for attending. We hope you found at least one healthcare innovation ‘gem’ to take back to your own workplace and feel inspired to create change.
Award winners
People’s choice award
Tie between Torres and Cape York Integrated Ear, Nose and Throat Service - Sustainable specialist care on Country (Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service) and ICU of the Future – redesigning the ICU environment to optimise patient outcomes (Metro North Hospital and Health Service)
Consumers’ choice award
Limiting admissions: Innovating care. A ward based ambulatory care model for patients with liver disease (Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service)
Special mention to A Non-touch approach using artificial intelligence to assist nursing intermittent visual observations (Metro North Hospital and Health Service)
Excellence award
Primary Contact Hand Therapy - The helping hand in leading an innovative model of care (Gold Coast Hospital and Health Services)
Highly commended to A collective call to action that has driven a hospital recycling revolution and sustainable reform (Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service)
What we
Watch the sessions