A 3-year project, beginning in 2016/17, was designed to improve the referral, uptake and quality of cardiac rehabilitation. The improvement project began with the development of performance indicators and an electronic tool to facilitate the collection of data regarding the performance and activity of cardiac rehabilitation programs.
Cardiac Rehabilitation Improvement Project
Initiative Type
Service Improvement
Last updated
Key dates
Dec 2016
Dec 2017
Implementation sites
All Queensland Public Hospitals
To improve the referral, uptake and quality of Cardiac Rehabilitation.
Endeavours to enhance patient flow and outcomes for adults with cardiac disorders accessing Queensland Health services.
The Statewide Cardiac Clinical Network (SCCN) was established in 2005 and draws all the State’s cardiac clinicians together to combine their knowledge, clinical and operational expertise to influence, progress, develop and reform cardiac care. This project has been flagged as a current priority on the 2017-18 program.