Emergency Department Patient Information Sheets

Emergency department factsheets provide condition specific health and medical information for people attending the emergency department.

They are designed to assist communication between emergency department clinicians and patients and/or carers.

How to use these factsheets

  • Clinicians are encouraged to use emergency department factsheets as a communication tool in their conversation with the patient and/or their carers.
  • A clinician should give the factsheet to the patient when they are discharged from the emergency department.
  • Some factsheets can be given to patients when they arrive in the emergency department. Notes can be made on the factsheets by the clinician, patient and/or carer, to personalise the information.
Adult Fact Sheets
Children Fact Sheets

Please visit the Children's Health Queensland website for children's emergency department patient information sheets.

Social Support Fact Sheets
Last updated: 19 February 2025