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Bringing together contemporary human resource literature with advances in mobile technology sees Children’s Health Queensland (CHQ) providing an innovative platform from which medical officers can...

Kidney Supportive Care program (KSCp)

We report the outcome of an innovative proof of concept care pathway centred on this vulnerable cohort – KSCp. The KSCp is in addition to the historical pathway of dialysis, but targets those...

Buying Time

Lengthy, medically unnecessary Length of Stay (LOS) for patients awaiting hearings for the appointment of substitute decision makers by the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) is...

Watching our Waits project

The Healthcare Improvement Unit has funded the Statewide General Medicine Clinical Network to implement and evaluate a Watching our Waits (WoW) software program. The project will develop a new IT...


C2C will take elements from the Canterbury Model but has also included a clinical team (Nurse, Physiotherapist and Psychologist) to work with and support the patient, GP’s Queensland Ambulance...

Choosing Wisely Pathology Project

The Choosing Wisely Pathology project is focusing on managing the demand and improving the quality use of pathology testing at Gold Coast Health.

Using clinical costing data as the source,...

Stop smoking

The project evaluated patient and staff experiences and cost effectiveness of nicotine inhalers as a therapeutic intervention within Metro South inpatient mental health units.

Introduction of an Intrapartum Early Warning Tool

The The Birthing Early Warning Tool (BEWT) tool involved bringing together all intrapartum maternal and fetal observations and clinical measurements onto one form including parameters which had...


GRACE is primarily a telephone service for General Practitioners (GPs) to discuss treatment or referral options of hemodynamically stable patients with general medical problems.


Timely and effective discharge communication is central to the continuity and quality of care for Children’s Health Queensland’s paediatric population. The project aimed to improve the timeliness...

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The Emergency Department (ED) Reference Guideline for Common Adult Orthopaedic Limb Injuries is a pathway that helps with the treatment of most common peripheral...

Post-Operative Discharge Support Service (PODSS) is a telehealth service led by Clinical Nurse Consultants (CNCs) designed to reduce unnecessary Emergency Department (ED)...

By focussing on what was available to them, Mater Midwifery Group Practice (MGP) co-designed an innovative solution for capturing, accessing and sharing information rapidly and...

This project involved a multi-disciplinary approach implementing new radiation oncology through Artificial Intelligence (AI) treatment software. 

Radiation Oncology...

In addressing the challenge of streamlining clinical workflows to save clinicians’ time, Gold Coast Health (GCH) has embarked on a digital transformative journey, embracing...