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Showing 10 of 46
HOMES team

The HOMES service client group is Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with complex chronic diseases. During initial assessment client’s goals, and health and social care needs are...


Project HOPE - which stands for Harmony, Opportunity, Pride and Empowerment, is a South West Hospital and Health Service (SWHHS) initiative which has been operating since 2015 in Charleville and...


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Wellbeing Assessment Engagement Service (ATSIWAES) is specifically established to ensure the development of culturally and clinically effective models of care...


The Queensland Forensic Mental Health Service (QFMHS) has established the Indigenous Mental Health Intervention Programme (IMHIP), a multi-million-dollar Indigenous-led service delivered in...


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children experience the world's highest rates of middle ear disease and conductive hearing loss. The associated impacts of the disease - especially hearing...


Navigate your Health (NYH) is a two-year pilot initiative being led by Children's Health Queensland (CHQ) in partnership with the Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women (DCSYW) and the...


The Townsville Hospital Paediatric Burns Service is the first of its kind in Australia, allowing families to make a choice about how and where they will receive their care.

Children with...


A collaboration project between Children’s Health Queensland (CHQ), Queensland Child & Youth Clinical Network (QCYCN) and Griffith University aimed to explore the perceptions, practice...


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women are more than three times more likely to smoke during pregnancy than non-Indigenous women, greatly increasing the risk of poor birth outcomes.


The project is using intra-oral cameras and existing tele-health technology to link the Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service on Thursday Island with primary health personnel in indigenous...

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The Precision Triage Project, a collaboration between Griffith University and Gold Coast University Hospital, uses the Tracking Cube, a digital system co-designed with a First...

Previous evaluations acknowledge that consumers are often not aware or are unable to advocate for telehealth as part of their healthcare journey. To address this, a multi-stage...

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