The Queensland Mental Health Commission estimates that one in five Queenslander's experience a mental illness or substance abuse disorder in any one year1. Consequently, more than 85,000 Queenslander's access clinical mental health services through the public health system each year, and over 300 000 receive treatment in the private system. Timely access to a range of health and social services plays a crucial role in addressing mental health issues and can prevent acute episodes from developing into more severe long-term conditions. Currently however, adults who experience a moderate or severe mental health illness in the Darling Downs HHS region receive fragmented care which is inadequate to address their complex health and social concerns, as well as those of their carers and families. There is a need therefore for an integrated care model which provides a holistic, person-centred, ‘one-stop shop’ for clinical care and psychosocial support in this region.
The Integrated Care Innovation Fund provides financial support to innovative projects that deliver better integration of care, address fragmentation in services and provide high-value healthcare. Funded projects also demonstrate a willingness to embrace and encourage the uptake of new technology alongside the benefits of integrating care and improving communication between health care sectors.