Using a number of Microsoft 365 applications a seamless system of data collection, data reporting and action planning.
How a rural HHS has implemented seamless data collection, reporting and planning
- Improve patient safety and quality of service by bringing real-time performance data to front line staff working in remote health care service areas.
- To develop a comprehensive continuous quality improvement system that requires minimal resourcing using existing technology efficiently.
- To provide all levels of the organisation access to data at any time, reducing requirements for development and distribution of document reports.
Use available data or other evidence to outline some of the benefits or impact of the project and initiative.
Using a number of Microsoft 365 applications a seamless system of data collection, data reporting and action planning.
No single effective clinical auditing system implemented in the Torres and cape Hospital and Health Service. The existing methods for collecting, collating distributing clinical audit reports was not effective because they required more resources than the organisation could afford, and this resulted in little ability to coordinate and manage auditing
Other state wide options were not suitable because of staff access issues, staff found them difficult to navigate and use and nature of workforce turnover in the HHS would have required a lot of inhouse support.
It was difficult to achieve transparency of auditing processes at all levels of the organisation.
Solutions Implemented
A self taught Information Technology (IT) solution led to the redesign and development of electronic clinical audit tools and reports with automated report refresh on data entry, electronic score cards and action plans. With all staff access to dashboards displaying information by service area, national standard and facility level. All reporting filtering by HHS region facility level and month.
Evaluation and Results
- is currently done weekly
- using the site usage information
- assessing number of audits completed in comparison to previous years
- ongoing staff feedback about the new system weekly via VC
- Future evaluation opportunities
- accreditation surveyor feedback (September 2020)
- monitoring of uptake of site usage for clinical meetings
- Demonstrated Clinical KPI improvement
Lessons Learnt
Progress with project at the speed that is manageable for new IT systems implementation.
Trial each part of the system for at least one month to effectively assess risk and allow time for trouble shooting.