Statewide Bariatric Surgery Initiative

Initiative Type
Model of Care
Last updated


Queensland Health has launched an initiative where people with obesity and poorly controlled type 2 diabetes who are aged 18-65 and are currently receiving public hospital specialist treatment for a condition that may be reversed or improved by bariatric surgery, may be eligible for assessment for surgery. This initiative ensures a more equitable approach across Queensland public hospitals in how people can access assessment for bariatric surgery.

Statewide Bariatric Surgery Initiative | Queensland Health from Clinical Excellence Division on Vimeo.

Key dates
Sep 2017
Aug 2019
Implementation sites
Metro North HHS – Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Metro South HHS – Princess Alexandra Hospital and QEII Hospital
Metro North HHS and Metro South HHS


Deliver approximately 300 bariatric (weight loss) surgeries over two years.


  • Bariatric surgery is a highly effective treatment for people with both type 2 diabetes and obesity.  It can significantly improve diabetes control and as a result, improve the lives of people with diabetes and reduce the incidence of diabetes related complications.  In some cases it can result in resolution of diabetes.
  • Research shows that when offered to the appropriate patient group, bariatric surgery is also cost-effective and therefore also provides financial benefits to the health system


Despite investment in a variety of obesity prevention strategies over the past two decades, the latest Health of Queenslanders report by the state’s Chief Health Officer confirms an escalating problem. On current trends, it is estimated that over 3 million Queenslanders will be overweight or obese by 2020.

Obesity is a complex metabolic disease process which is affecting more and more Queenslanders. Focussing on both prevention and treatment is required to tackle this health issue.

Solutions Implemented

  • Standardised referral criteria
  • Centralised referral process

Evaluation and Results

Evaluation in partnership with Griffith University.

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Key contact

Matthew Page
Healthcare Improvement Unit