Latest news

18 Jul
What’s in your circle of influence?

“In his seminal 1989 book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven Covey identified a habit that separated the great leaders from the good. So, what is it?

16 Jul
Pitchfest initiatives ready for scale

Following its wildly successful Pitchfest, the PROV-ED Project will soon embark on a statewide tour to showcase the initiatives chosen for scale and spread across Queensland’s emergency departments.

10 Jul
Queensland assists the United Nations with health technology

Following his recent trip to Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan for the United Nations’ 5th International Partnership for Technology in Peacekeeping Symposium, Daniel Best from the Telehealth Support Unit tells us about the trip and how proud Queensland should be of its global standing.

25 Jun
Leadership and culture: innovation 101

Making improvement and innovation happen in this context requires skill and focus. That's why we're handing over to Jan Phillips to shed some light on how to foster innovation in healthcare.

20 Jun
Two-day rural maternity summit held in Cairns

The Maternity Summit 2019 was organised at the request of the Honourable Steven Miles MP, Minister for Health and Minister for Ambulance Services. It was a chance to share the progress and achievements from the Statewide Maternity Service Forum 2016, and present the Rural Maternity Taskforce deliverables.

06 Jun
Advancing Kidney Care 2026 Plan launched

Queenslanders with, or at risk of developing, kidney disease will have more support and greater access to services thanks to the new statewide Advancing Kidney Care 2026 Plan launched on 6 June 2019.