Paediatric Sepsis Pathway

The Paediatric Sepsis Pathway (PDF, 3.4MB) should always be used for children younger than 16 years.

The above pathway can be ordered at WINC using the code:

  • 1NY42186 - paediatric sepsis pathway

The Paediatric Sepsis Checklist (PDF, 1.3MB) can be ordered as a standalone document from Winc using the code:

  • SW1205b Paediatric Sepsis Checklist

If your organisation does not have a WINC account you will need to create an account to be able to place an order.

Tools and resources

Paediatric Sepsis Clinical Pathway - Factsheet (PDF, 432KB)

Paediatric Sepsis Clinical Pathway - Frequently Asked Questions (PDF, 375KB)

Paediatric sepsis education modules

Paediatric Sepsis Family Support Program (PDF, 429KB)

Sepsis information for health professionals (Children's Health Queensland)

Last updated: 29 August 2024