
The Queensland Cardiac Clinical Network was established in 2005. It brings Queensland's cardiac clinicians together to improve cardiac care and outcomes. The steering committee represents the broader membership and meets approximately seven times a year. Working groups progress specific activities under the leadership of the steering committee.

The Queensland Cardiac Clinical Network aims to improve safety, equity, efficiency and effectiveness in cardiac care.

The role of the network

  • Identify and drive initiatives to improve the quality, safety and effectiveness of cardiac care in Queensland
  • Provide expertise, direction and advice to the Department of Health in relation to cardiac care-related service planning and emerging issues at the local, statewide and national levels
  • Provide expertise, direction and advice to clinicians caring for patients within the domain of cardiac care services
  • Develop an open and supportive environment for clinicians and consumers in relation to cardiac care in Queensland
  • Foster education and research in cardiac care best practice

Current priorities

  • Queensland Cardiac Quality and Informatics Program including Qld Cardiac Outcomes Registry (QCOR)
  • Queensland Networked Cardiac Services: Hub and spoke model of care including multiple initiatives to improve both clinical care and service delivery. Vulnerable populations are prioritised
    • Better Cardiac Care Teams: A Networked Cardiac Services initiative to enable multidisciplinary teams to provide in-reach case management and care coordination for Queensland’s most vulnerable patient cohorts, including First Nations people
  • Queensland Cardiovascular Information System project: Upgrade and extend the existing networked cardiac catheter lab solution plus implement a statewide, networked, echocardiography solution
  • Value for money procurement: Clinically led program of cost saving initiatives
  • Queensland Cardiac Clinical Referral Solution
  • Supporting Ending Rheumatic Heart Disease: Queensland’s First Nations Strategy
  • Workforce Strategy for Cardiac Scientists
  • Queensland Infrastructure and System Planning for Cardiology
  • Queensland Heart Failure Services
  • Queensland Cardiac Rehabilitation Services
  • Queensland Congenital and Childhood Heart Collaborative

Queensland Cardiac Outcomes Registry annual reports

Related links

Contact us

Phone: +61 7 3328 9175
Postal Address: GPO Box 48, Brisbane 4001

Last updated: 16 December 2024